Guardian Angels

Commonly, at the birth of your soul is the time when a guardian angel is assigned to you and from then on, they will always be connected to you. Your soul exists in its current body today because it was given life on Earth for a purpose. As your soul lives,  its past before you might be unknown to you. Though it is possible that your soul has traveled through different lives, places, and experiences; although today you exist on Earth. Aspects of that statement is explained more in depth in our previous post: Our perspective: Past Life.

Your Guardian Angel holds a name, title, and Rank that states their position in Heaven. They are involved in more than just you, for they attend many tasks for their Creator.  As your Guardian Angel has been assigned to you, it also states of their acceptance of you in its life –  know it has sworn its life to guide you, protect you, and more. Your Guardian Angel is here to serve you as well as their Creator. Our guardian angels will obey our commands, but they will not commit acts of evil for you and of their own actions. There are rules that stand with Guardian Angels, for if they break them, they may lose their standing and more. With given commands, guardian angels will do their work when asked upon them by you. It also helps to work on bonding with your guardian angel, for your connection becomes strong enough to feel them, hear them, and be comfortable with them.

The more you bond with your guardian angel the more things are capable to happen, in which, they may help you in more ways. As this higher stage of bonding comes about, you will develop a personal relationship with your guardian to where a classification of it can only and obviously be made by you. Bonding with your guardian angel is essential to your progression because as they know you very well, when the time is right they will teach you things about yourself that you must awaken. Like uncovering your hidden potential to what you’re truly capable of. As this happens you become closer to connecting with your soul, which is the one of the prime reason for your progression.

With all this being said, it is very important to make sure your spiritual hearing is as accurate as possible and that you are weary of imposters. It is possible for demons or even fallen angels to attempt to impersonate your guardian in hopes to inflict harm to you either short or long term, as well as many other possible outcomes. So be careful. The best method I have found to revealing whether you are being imposed on or not, is to say with spiritual power, “Do you come in the name of God?” Typically, you will notice either strange behavior, they will go quiet, or they may try to avoid answering. For beings who have turned their back on the creator are pained to claim they stand with him, and you will likely see if it is another being.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have, we are always willing to answer.

Our perspective: Past Life

The concept of past lives can be a controversial topic. Some believe that only specific religions, such as Buddhism, believe in such ideals. While many people dismiss the idea entirely, for a number of different reasons. On top of the number of people who do or don’t believe, there are ideas of why people are or aren’t reincarnated. In fact, there are so many ideas of how and why that I could sit here and explain them for hours. But the truth of the matter is this; past lives, or reincarnation, is a thing that exists. However, it does not happen to everyone. There are things that go into play with our higher power that is ultimately the deciding factor of if you are reincarnated or not. Some of us on the earth today are like newborn souls, this is our first time being alive. While others have spent many lifetimes in countless places, times, and even places of existence.

One thing that is important to know about past lives, is that is in not reincarnation. I say this because when we were created, we were created as a soul. The physics in life are much different than the spiritual plane; nothing ever truly dies. It may merge with other things or new energies are added into it… but never dies. Souls are everlasting. It never dies, so when we enter a new life, we are simply in a sense traveling from one vessel to another. At that point, the conscious mind of that person is stored away. This happens because you, for example, cannot fit the mind and experiences of a 70 year old man into the body of a newborn. You need to start over. With that being said, it is possible to access these memories and more. It takes a person more spiritually connected to be able to do/understand such things though. There are also things to be learned or gained, when you do begin to go in depth with such things.

There are many, many details and things that can be said about the subject itself. Along with every person’s situation and experiences is highly individualized. So I cannot sit here and say exactly what it is and isn’t. However, feel free to ask any sort of question you want, and I will be happy to answer.


The Basics: Natural Energy

Positive, negative, light, dark, natural, nature, elemental, and spiritual energy
all have an effect on people and the environment. We will speak about them one by one in different segments. Natural energy, though, is literally everywhere.

Is it normal to always notice it?

When it comes to seeing natural energy, it actually isn’t normal to not see it because we are supposed to. Seeing natural energy is not only normal, but helps our spiritual sight as well. The energy normally presents itself in the form of millions of tiny, white, bright orbs everywhere. They are especially visible outside. Natural energy itself is it’s own energy; as it exists upon the earth, it is mixed with all types of energy that is around us. For example, natural energy can be the energy that you emit when you go out on a jog. The heat you produce is energy that is being excreted from you. Now, everywhere you go while on that jog, your energy will be there. Similar to a trail that you leave everywhere you go. The next thing that happens is it is moved around by other energy, like nature energy such as the wind blowing. Cars drive through it and other people will walk through your energy. Over time, it just mixes in with all the other energies in the area.

Some natural energy can be in the form of thoughts or feelings that someone had. For instance, if someone was crying at the park by a tree then soon they left before you arrived. Let’s say you decided to sit by the tree because it was hot and you wanted some shade, yet when you sit there you begin to feel and get thoughts of sadness that you weren’t feeling beforehand. This shows that the energy of the persons sadness has not yet fully mixed with the natural energy, rather its just floating there. The same thing can be said for why people often feel weird ‘vibes’ as they call it from funeral homes, hospitals, etc. There is a constant flow of negative energies in that area and never have the time to fully dissipate before someone else arrives. In another instance, let’s say you are in a classroom. Your teacher is standing in the front speaking to the class, then sits down for you to come to the front and present something. When you stand up to talk in the same area he was standing, some people will notice things if they pay attention. Like perhaps the air will feel a little warm, or you may get a random feeling or thought that wasn’t generated within you. This is simply the natural energy that your teacher effected, affecting you, as it hasn’t fully mixed in.

Another thing, is that natural energy can also be affected by the environment around us. For there are different levels of natural energy that are related to the sensitivity of their velocity and compaction. Depending on the degree of it, it can dictate how it affects us. An example of this could be when you are in a room filled with computers, such as the library or computer lab at school. The energy waves that emit from the computers are a form of natural energy. It’s what scientists call the energy of radiation. It can affect our brain waves and sometimes give us migraines, some people will hear ringing in their ears. If we were to listen closely, we could hear the supersonic frequencies they are emitting. This is a form of natural energy and with radiation, it can hold an effect on us depending on what level of it we are exposed to and how long. This type of energy affects everyone differently, depending on several factors. Everyone is different.

We can also affect natural energy ourselves in many ways, and we sometimes do it everyday without even realizing it since there are many different types of energy. We can affect the energy around us which can alter the natural energy into something else, for it can hold a different atmosphere. A concert or football game would be a good example. There are usually lots of people are there and everyone carries their own energy. When people become excited, angry, or sad at these events it will affect the area. Which in turn, affects the natural energy and that can cause a massive general effect on everyone there. At church when people pray for the holy spirit to be around, though the area of a church can hold this energy, natural energy will do it’s thing and move it around and mix it with everything else around it. The same thing goes for every type of energy that is generated anywhere.

As humans, we consume natural energies. How, you ask? Food. Food is simply a physical form of natural energy. Do you remember the term, we are what we eat? Well that is true in a sense of our bodies are made from natural energy, though we don’t eat ourselves literally. The food, the sun, all of these things give us energy.

Just know this; everything that is physical, there is a spiritual side to it. There always is and there always will be unless something radical happens that changes that. The thing is, is that even if you cannot see natural energy as of now, there are ways for anyone to learn how to. Our bodies are all capable of doing this, it’s simply the matter of training ourselves. I recommend it is best to view natural energy in the sky; when you have the chance, just look at the sky and focus. Some people will see it almost immediately, others it may take practice.